Hale Fermented Drinks


The quantity can be from 10 ml to 30 ml per consumption once or twice a day. Can be consumed directly / mocktail / cocktail / water / soda as per your taste.  It is recommended to be consumed as a sip by sip drink for maximum benefits.


1. Probiotics: Fermented drinks, such as kefir, kombucha, and lacto-fermented beverages, are rich in beneficial bacteria, known as probiotics. These probiotics can support a healthy gut microbiome and promote digestive health.

2. Nutrient Content: Fermented drinks often retain the nutrient content of the original ingredients and may even enhance their bioavailability. For example, fermentation can increase the vitamin C content of certain fruits or unlock additional nutrients from vegetables

3. Refreshing and Flavorful: Fermented drinks can offer unique and complex flavors, making them a refreshing alternative to traditional beverages. The fermentation process can add a tangy, slightly acidic, or fizzy taste, appealing to those looking for interesting flavor profiles

Hale is crafted for spreading Health And Love for Everyone through good Gut feeling. Hale Fermented Drinks are the best gift for yourself or your loved ones as it is lactose free, gluten free, packed with natural vitamins, enzymes, anti – oxidants, amino acids etc. HALE fermented drink is a  refreshing drink made through the goodness of natural resources of ingredients flavored with fruits, vegetables and spices. There are no preservatives added for extending its storage time hence it is important to refrigerate it. HALE Fermented drink is prepared to have the positive effects of making your food easily digestible in your gut. HALE fermented drink has neither been Pasteurized nor Filtered or artificially Carbonized for taste or improving its Shelf life. The effects of HALE fermented drinks are plenty from simple refreshing the body through natural cooling to improving our body functioning because of the presence of natural vitamins, minerals and living bacteria. The process of making a Hale fermented drink is completely hygienic with a personal touch of traditional brewing. Every product of ours has gone through laboratory testing for its purity. Do not worry about the sediments or floaters that you may see, they are totally safe to consume.

  • As it is packed in a glass bottle handle with care
  • Avoid shaking of the bottle.
  • Needs to be careful while opening as it will have natural carbonation and might fiz out while opening. So open it slowly and carefully.
  • Net Content: 180 ml and 1000 ml

1. Digestive Health: The probiotics present in fermented drinks can contribute to a healthy gut microbiome. A balanced gut microbiota has been associated with improved digestion, absorption of nutrients, and enhanced immune function

2. Improved Nutrient Absorption: Fermentation can break down complex molecules into more easily digestible forms. This process can enhance the bioavailability of certain nutrients, making it easier for the body to absorb and utilize them effectively

3. Hydration: Many fermented drinks have a high water content, making them a hydrating choice. They can provide essential fluids, especially for individuals who may not enjoy plain water or prefer flavorful alternatives

Benefits of fermented Drinks

1. Enhanced Immune Function: A healthy gut microbiome plays a crucial role in supporting a robust immune system. The probiotics found in fermented drinks can help maintain a balanced gut microbiota, which may contribute to improved immune function and overall wellness.

2. Gut Health Maintenance: Consuming fermented drinks can help restore and maintain the balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut. This balance is vital for optimal digestion, absorption of nutrients, and prevention of gastrointestinal issues such as bloating and constipation.

3. Potential Health Effects: Some research suggests that regularly consuming fermented drinks may have additional health benefits, such as reduced inflammation, improved mental health, and even enhanced weight management. However, more studies are needed to fully understand these potential effects.

Fermented Salads: While fermented salads are less common than fermented drinks, they can offer similar advantages and benefits. The fermentation process in salads can enhance their flavor, increase nutrient bioavailability, and introduce probiotics. Additionally, fermented salads may also promote gut health, aid digestion, and contribute to overall well-being

It’s important to note that individual experiences and effects may vary, and it’s always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or nutritionist before making significant dietary changes

Benefits of Fermented Drinks

Hale Cultured Products


The quantity can be from 1 – 2 teaspoons (5 – 10 gms) with every meal. It can be consumed directly as a pickle, chutney or salad along with meals. 


1. Preservation: Fermentation acts as a natural preservation method for vegetables in salads. The fermentation process can extend their shelf life by inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria and preserving the freshness of the ingredients

2. Texture and Crunch: Fermented salads often retain their crispness and provide a satisfying crunch. The fermentation process can enhance the texture of the vegetables, making them enjoyable to eat

3. Flavor Enhancement: Fermentation can transform the flavors of the vegetables in a salad. It can add a tangy, slightly sour, or umami taste, creating a unique and more complex flavor profile compared to fresh salads

Hale is crafted for spreading Health And Love for Everyone through good Gut feeling. Hale Cultured products are the best gift for yourself or your loved ones as it is lactose free, gluten free, packed with natural vitamins, enzymes, anti – oxidants, amino acids etc. A refreshing food made through the goodness of natural resources of ingredients flavored with fruits, vegetables and spices. There are no preservatives added for extending its storage time hence it is important to refrigerate it. HALE Fermented vegetables are cultured to get different strains of bacteria to have the positive effects of making your food easily digestible in your gut. The food has neither been pasteurized nor any artificial flavors and colors for taste or improving its shelf life has been added. The effects of cultured foods are plenty from simple refreshing the body through natural cooling to improving our body functioning because of the presence of natural vitamins, minerals and living bacteria. The process of making a Hale food is completely hygienic with a personal touch of traditional preparation. Every product of ours has gone through laboratory testing for its purity.

  • As it is packed in a glass jar handle with care
  • Keep it Refrigerated
  • Ready to Eat
  • Net Content – 300 GMS

1. Nutrient Retention: Fermentation helps preserve the nutritional content of vegetables. Unlike cooking methods that may cause nutrient loss, fermentation retains the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants present in the vegetables, making them more bioavailable

2. Digestive Aid: Fermented salads contain live probiotics that support a healthy gut microbiome. These probiotics can aid digestion, promote the breakdown of food, and improve nutrient absorption

3. Food Diversity: Including fermented salads in your diet adds variety to your meals. Fermentation allows you to explore different flavors, textures, and combinations of vegetables, expanding your culinary repertoire and making healthy eating more enjoyable

Benefits of Fermented Salads


HALE is a brand that specializes in the production of high-quality fermented drinks and fermented salads. HALE stands for Health And Love For Everyone. We are committed to providing delicious and nutritious options that promote a healthy lifestyle.

Fermented drinks are beverages made through the fermentation process, where beneficial microorganisms convert sugars into alcohol or organic acids. They offer various health benefits and are known for their unique flavors.

  • Fermented salads are salads that incorporate fermented vegetables as a primary ingredient. The fermentation process enhances the flavors and nutritional value of the vegetables while introducing beneficial bacteria to support gut health.

At HALE, we take pride in our commitment to quality and taste. Our fermented drinks and salads are carefully crafted using the finest ingredients and traditional fermentation techniques. We prioritize flavor, health benefits, and customer satisfaction.

Yes, we offer a range of fermented drinks and salads that are suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Our products are made without animal-derived ingredients, ensuring a plant-based option for all.

Yes, our fermented drinks and salads are gluten-free. We understand the importance of catering to various dietary needs and strive to provide inclusive options for our customers.

Our fermented drinks and salads are made through a carefully controlled fermentation process. We use high-quality ingredients and traditional fermentation methods to create products that are rich in flavor and beneficial microorganisms.

Absolutely. We prioritize the safety and quality of our products. Our production processes adhere to strict food safety standards, and we conduct regular testing to ensure the highest level of quality and safety for our customers.

We strive to make our products readily available. Please check our website or contact our customer service to find the nearest stores carrying HALE products. We also offer online ordering and delivery options for added convenience.

Our fermented drinks and salads have a recommended shelf life of 6 months under proper refrigeration as indicated on the packaging. It’s important to store them properly, following the instructions provided, to maintain the quality and freshness of the products.

While our products are generally well-suited for a wide range of dietary preferences, it’s always advisable to consult with your healthcare professional if you have specific dietary restrictions or health concerns.

Our fermented drinks can be enjoyed chilled as a refreshing beverage, while our fermented salads make a great addition to meals or can be enjoyed on their own. Feel free to get creative and explore various serving options based on your preferences.

Absolutely. We are committed to using natural ingredients and avoiding artificial additives or preservatives in our fermented products. We believe in preserving the natural flavors and goodness of our ingredients.

Yes, we provide detailed nutritional information on our product labels and our website. You can find information on calories, macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals to help you make informed choices based on your dietary needs.

We offer lactose-free options among our fermented drinks and salads. These options are suitable for individuals with lactose intolerance, providing them with the benefits of fermented products without the lactose.

While fermented products are generally considered safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it’s always advisable to consult with your healthcare professional for personalized advice based on your specific circumstances.

Our fermented drinks and salads are typically refrigerated to maintain their quality and freshness. Please follow the storage instructions provided on the packaging to ensure the best taste and longevity of the products.

Absolutely! Our fermented salads make a fantastic condiment or topping for various dishes. You can add them to sandwiches, wraps, burgers, tacos, or as a flavorful garnish to enhance the taste and nutritional value of your meals.

Our fermented products can be enjoyed by children. However, it’s important to consider their individual dietary needs and consult with your pediatrician if you have any specific concerns or questions.

Yes, we provide recipes and serving suggestions on our website, social media platforms, and sometimes on product inserts. These resources can inspire you to incorporate our fermented products into a variety of delicious and creative dishes.

Absolutely. We are committed to sustainability and minimizing our environmental impact. We strive to use eco-friendly packaging materials, promote responsible sourcing of ingredients, and implement sustainable production practices whenever possible.

If you have any further questions or need additional information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer service. We are here to assist you!

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